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20 July 2023

Lip Lift

Mateusz Koziej MD, PhD, DSc - plastic surgeon

A lip lift, also known as a lip lift, is a surgical procedure that aims to shorten the visible part of the upper lip, improve the proportions of the lips and reveal more lip redness. Indications for this procedure include:


•   Elongated upper lip, which gives the face a tired or aging look.
•   Misproportion between the lips, with the upper lip being too long in relation to the lower lip.
•   The desire to achieve a youthful, more harmonious and aesthetic appearance of the lips.


A lip lift is performed by a plastic surgeon under local or general anesthesia. The procedure begins with making an incision just below the nostrils, hidden in the natural folds of the skin. The surgeon then removes excess skin and tissue, lifts the upper lip, and carefully sutures the incisions. The effect is to shorten the visible part of the upper lip and reveal more lip red, which gives the lips a more youthful and defined appearance.


Following a lip lift, it is important to follow your plastic surgeon's recommendations to ensure an optimal recovery process. The following are general recommendations:

•   Using recommended ointments to support wound healing and minimize swelling.
•   Avoiding physical activity and consuming hot drinks for several days after the procedure to prevent increased swelling and bleeding.
•   The use of prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs as recommended by the surgeon.
•   Avoiding smoking, which can delay the healing process and negatively affect the results.
•   Protection against direct sun exposure and use of sunscreen creams on the lip area.
•   Adherence to oral hygiene recommendations.


After recovery from a lip lift is complete, patients typically experience improved lip proportions and a more youthful appearance. The expected effects are:

•   Shortening the visible part of the upper lip and obtaining the upper-to-lower lip proportion
•   Exposing more lip red, which gives the lips a more emphasized look
•   Achieving a youthful and aesthetic appearance of the lips.
•  Improving the attractiveness of a smile.


Please note that the results of the procedure may vary depending on the individual anatomical features of the patient. Before deciding on a lip lift, it is always recommended to consult a plastic surgeon who will carefully assess the individual case and present the expected results and potential risks associated with the procedure.