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20 July 2023


Mateusz Koziej MD, PhD, DSc - plastic surgeon


Otoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to improve the appearance of ears that protrude excessively from the head. Indications for this procedure include:

•   Protruding ears that cause aesthetic dissatisfaction, disproportionate face or affect the patient's self-esteem.
•   Congenital ear deformities, such as too large ears, asymmetrical ears.
•   Ear damage as a result of trauma that affects their shape and position


Otoplasty is performed by a plastic surgeon and usually requires local anesthesia. The procedure begins with making an incision on the posterior surface of the auricle to gain access to the cartilage. The surgeon then corrects the shape and position of the ears by modeling the cartilage and/or creating anatomical folds to give a natural appearance. At the end of the procedure, the incisions are sutured and the ears are stabilized with dressings or elastic bands.


Following an otoplasty, it is important to follow your plastic surgeon's instructions to ensure an optimal recovery process. The following are general recommendations:

•   Wearing a protective band for the ears for a certain period of time after the procedure (usually 14 days) to stabilize the new position of the auricles
•   Avoid exposing the ears to injuries or impacts for several weeks after the procedure.
•   Use prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs as directed by your surgeon.
•   Avoid physical activity and sports that require contact for about 4-6 weeks after the procedure.
•   Protect your ears from direct sunlight and apply sunscreen to the ear area.
•   Regularly check the progress of healing and consult a surgeon in case of any disturbing symptoms.

After recuperation from protruding ears is complete, patients typically experience an improvement in the appearance of their ears and an increase in self-confidence. The expected effects are:

•   Reducing the protrusion of the ears from the head and obtaining a more natural look.
•   Obtaining an anatomical shape and appropriate proportions
•   Improvement of the symmetry of the ears in the case of asymmetry.
•   Increasing self-confidence and improving self-esteem.


Please note that the results of the procedure may vary depending on the individual anatomical features of the patient. Before deciding on otoplasty, it is always recommended to consult a plastic surgeon who will carefully assess the individual case and present the expected results and potential risks associated with the procedure.